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If you've played Starfield for even a bit, you've probably already realized the difficulty of inventory management in the game unless you use console commands or mods to increase it. There are quite a few ways to increase your inventory space, but most of them increase it only a bit.

RELATED: Starfield: How To Increase Your Ship's Cargo Capacity

One of the few ways to increase your inventory space significantly is by placing an outpost and having storage containers on it. Transfer Containers are one of the best types of storage containers since they also allow you to transfer your resources to your ship easily.

How To Build A Transfer Container

Starfield Placing Transfer Container

It's important to remember that you can only build a Transfer Container within an outpost's range, which is symbolized by the yellow line around it. You'll first need to farm eight Iron, five Tungsten, and four Lubricants to get started on this item. Once you have them ready, head over to the Build Menu in your outpost.

Due to the size of this container, it's better to use the bird's eye view in an outpost to place it properly.

In the Build Mode, you'll find the Transfer Container in the Storage section, which is fourth from the left. It'll be there along with Solid, Liquid, and Gas Storages during the early game. Keep in mind that you can only place one Transfer Container at an outpost, and you have to carefully decide the resources you want to put in it.

How To Use A Transfer Container

Starfield Connection Between Extractor And Transfer Container

The whole point of the Transfer Container is to make the process of moving your resources around in the outpost faster. Once you have the structure built, you can start putting Output Links from various Extractors and smaller Storages to it. To do this, get close to the Extractor / smaller Storage and open the Quick Menu.

You'll be able to see the Output Link there, which will create a wire that can be connected directly to the Transfer Container. After establishing this connection, all your resources in the former structures will automatically get transferred to the latter until the container's storage reaches its limit.

How To Transfer Cargo Between Your Ship And Outpost

Starfield Spaceship Parked On Landing Pad

The main reason to build a Transfer Container at your outpost is that you can directly transfer Cargo between your outpost and ship without having to put it in your inventory. This prevents you from being Encumbered and running slowly until you put the items away. You'll need your ship close to the Transfer Container to do this.

There are a couple of ways to achieve that based on the availability of resources:

  • The best way to guarantee your ship's closeness to the container is by building a Landing Pad near it in the outpost. Your ship is guaranteed to land on this pad when you're coming to the outpost, but it does take quite a lot of resources.
  • If you don't want to spend these resources, you can try to land at a certain location and attempt to make the outpost near the Landing Site. This site usually stays on the planet and allows you to land at the same place, but it might not work all the time.

Once your ship is close enough to the container, you can open either of their inventory and be able to switch between the Container's Inventory, your Personal Inventory, and the ship's Cargo Hold. This lets you transfer all the resources directly between the two big storages.

NEXT: Starfield: All Trade Authority Locations